Release Notes

Release notes

The latest Snaplet product updates from the Snaplet team.

Snaplet Release Notes

17 April 2024 - v0.91.0

Bug fixes

  • Adds type definitions for subset.traversalMode option introduced in v0.91.0

16 April 2024 - v0.91.0


8 April 2024 - v0.90.1

Bug Fix: Subsetting for the case of multiple targets that have the same table.

Previously, if the same table was specified multiple times in subset.targets, Snaplet would only copy data for relations matching the first target.

Note: Fixing this involved a change to the subsetting algorithm - we now arrange the steps such that each target in the targets configuration will have its own steps completed before the next target's steps are run. This might cause the subsetting algorithm to end up picking different rows to what it previously did.

8 April 2024 - v0.90.2

Bug fixes

  • The bug fix introduced in v0.90.1 has been reverted - it introduced a regression which caused subsetted datasets to grow considerably. We're working on solving the original issue (subsetting for the case of multiple targets that have the same table - but with avoiding this regression in mind)

8 April 2024 - v0.90.1

Bug Fix: Subsetting for the case of multiple targets that have the same table.

Previously, if the same table was specified multiple times in subset.targets, Snaplet would only copy data for relations matching the first target.

Note: Fixing this involved a change to the subsetting algorithm - we now arrange the steps such that each target in the targets configuration will have its own steps completed before the next target's steps are run. This might cause the subsetting algorithm to end up picking different rows to what it previously did.

4 April 2024 - v0.90.0

Removed @snaplet/seed parts from the CLI

@snaplet/seed now has its own CLI, so npx snaplet setup now only sets up a project for using Snapshots and not @snaplet/seed, and npx snaplet generate has been replaced with npx @snaplet/seed sync. For more, check out the release notes for @snaplet/seed

Improved snaplet auth login

snaplet auth login will now authenticate you without you needing to do any manual steps in-between.

Bug Fixes

  • We automatically restore snapshots of Supabase databases using --no-reset to avoid losing permissions that supabase adds for schemas and their tables. However, we were previously not detecting whether a database is a Supabase database when capturing the snapshots.

28 March 2024 - v0.89.6

Bug fixes

  • We were double-encoding special characters in connection strings in snaplet restore, causing restores to fail at the database connection test step for connection strings with special characters in them

27 March 2024 - v0.89.5

Bug fixes

  • Improvements to debugging information for DEBUG=snaplet:subset:* to help understand which targets caused which rows to be added
  • Avoid @snaplet/seed-related validation on snaplet config pull (since this command is specific to snapshots on Snaplet Cloud)
  • Allow overriding for alias conflicts: we were detecting if there were conflicts avoiding us from automatically applying inflection (opens in a new tab), but we were not allowing overrides from being applied if there were any conflicts

27 Febuary 2024 - v0.89.4

Bug Fixes

  • Reverts the change made in 0.89.1 to keep preview database tasks alive longer - we suspect it might have introduced new issues. For the time being, this means preview database snapshots will be back to having a 20 minute time limit to complete for Snaplet Cloud

27 Febuary 2024 - v0.89.1

Bug Fixes

Snaplet Cloud: Keep preview database restore tasks alive longer

Previously, when restoring snapshots to preview database on, we would terminate restore tasks that took longer than 20 minutes. When deciding whether to terminate a restore, we now give each step in the restore flow 20 minutes to complete, and the entire restore 2 hours to complete.

26 Febuary 2024 - v0.89.0

🚨 @snaplet/copycat BREAKING CHANGE

We have upgraded to @snaplet/copycat v5.0.0. Fixes someOf() when range tuple (e.g. copycat.someOf(seed, [1, 2], ['a','b','c'])) is given for range parameter instead of number (e.g. copycat.someOf(seed, 2, ['a','b','c'])). Previously this case would have always (incorrectly) returned an empty array ([]).

If copycat.someOf() is currently being given a range tuple (e.g. copycat.someOf(seed, [1, 2], ['a','b','c'])), results for the same input would change from (incorrectly) being an empty array ([]), to (correctly) being an array of items of a size within the given range.

13 Febuary 2024 - v0.88.2

Bug Fixes

Avoid unnecessary limit: null in generated copycat code

We generate code with calls to copycat (e.g. in two cases:

  • @snaplet/seed: for each database field that we generate data for, we use this generated code as the default value for the field
  • For snapshots, when generating example transform configs

In both cases, in 0.88.0 we made a change that caused us to add limit: null for string fields that did not have a char limit (e.g. text columns in a database), for example:, { limit: null })

If there is not char limit for the field, we now avoid this unnecessary limit: null fluff:

Avoid .toString() for integer and float field types

In the case of database integer and float database fields, when generated code with calls to copycat (the same code as mentioned above), we were in some cases incorrectly adding a .toString() to this code.

Avoid copycat.scramble() for generated copycat code for @snaplet/seed

In the case of @snaplet/seed, for generated code with calls to copycat (the same code as mentioned above), we were in some cases incorrectly using copycat.scramble(), which does not make much sense for @snaplet/seed, where the input values to copycat would be seed values to determine what value is generated, rather than actual database values.

13 Febuary 2024 - v0.88.0

🚨 BREAKING CHANGES in @snaplet/seed

We've made improvements to how we generate fake data for each database field.

This means that when running snaplet generate, the same field (column in a table) might now have a different default value generated for it compared to before snaplet generate was run.

After upgrading, subsequent runs of snaplet generate afterwards will not cause different values to be generated though - just the first snaplet generate after the upgrade.

In this context, a default value means a value that was not explicitly given to @snaplet/seed for a field (column in a table).

For example:

// name given explicitly
await snaplet.users({ name: 'Garnet Harley' })
// name not given explicitly
// => the generated value might have now changed
// (after the first `snaplet generate` after upgrading)
await snaplet.users({})

Bug Fixes:

Index dropping for snapshots

When we restore database snapshots, we first drop constraints and indices relevant to the snapshot, then insert data from the snapshot, then bring back any constraints we previously dropped. In some cases however, forgein key constraints did not properly drop before dependant index keys were dropped, causing the index drop to fail.

Account for Supavisor URLs when detecting Supabase DBs

We currently automatically add --no-reset flag if we detect a Supabase database. We detect the supabase database by looking at database connection string. However, we weren't including Supavisor URLs in this check.

Add types for async field functions

At the moment we support promise-returning field generate functions, but npx snaplet generate did not generate types to show that it is supported:

snaplet.users([{ name: async () => { return await Promise.resolve('Foo Bar') } }])

Make type output deterministic

In some cases, npx snaplet generate would generate types in a different order than in previous runs.

13 Febuary 2024 - v0.87.3

  • Bug Fixes: Resolved an issue where an unhandled error occurred when a package manager was not found in the CLI. This fix improves the stability and reliability of the CLI interface.

February 12, 2024 - v0.87.2

Bug Fixes

  • PNPM Workspaces Support: Enhanced snaplet setup to properly support pnpm workspaces, facilitating smoother project configurations for users leveraging this package manager.

February 8, 2024 - v0.87.1

Bug Fixes:

  • First Name Transformations: Addressed a bug that led to incorrect automatic transformations for firstName fields, ensuring data integrity and consistency.
  • Empty Database Setup: Fixed an issue where users would encounter a deadlock if the target database was empty during the setup process, improving the setup flow's resilience.

8 Febuary 2024 - v0.87.0

🚨 @snaplet/copycat BREAKING CHANGE

We have upgraded to @snaplet/copycat v4.0.0.

Changes to copycat.phoneNumber():

  • In the cases where the prefixes option is provided, copycat will now return a different output for the same input
  • The min and max options have been removed in favour of length: number | { min: number, max: number }

// before
copycat.phoneNumber(input, { min: 100000, max: 999999999 })
copycat.phoneNumber(input, { min: 100000000, max: 999999999 })
// after
copycat.phoneNumber(input, { length: { min: 6, max: 9 } })
copycat.phoneNumber(input, { length: 9 })

Who will be affected? You might be impacted by this change if:

🚨 @snaplet/seed BREAKING CHANGE

@snaplet/seed now has @snaplet/copycat as a peer dependency rather than a dependency.

This means you'll also need to have @snaplet/copycat installed in your project when using @snaplet/seed.

While this technically is a breaking change, npx snaplet setup would have installed @snaplet/copycat for you when setting up @snaplet/seed. This change would only affect you if you have since removed @snaplet/copycat from your dependencies.

1 Febuary 2024 - v0.86.2

Fix for unique constraint checking and default database values in Seed 🌱

We had a bug where we attempted to check uniqueness for columns we don't handle. Indeed, if you have a DEFAULT column in your database, Seed won't generate a value and will let the database do the work unless you specify an explicit value.

Unique constraints checks are now skipped for these columns if they're undefined. βœ…

1 Febuary 2024 - v0.86.1

Handle model name conflicts after inflection applied

As part of the inflection that @snaplet/seed does, we pluralise the table names. For example, a User table name would be exposed as seed.users().

This caused conflicts in cases where there was one table with the singular form, and one with the plural form. For example, public.user (note the singular form) and public.users (not the plural form) would both get the name "users". As a result, the one table ends up getting "lost".

In cases where the schemas differ, we can account for the name conflict by instead qualifying both names with the schema name. For example, for tables public.user and auth.users, we would end up with "publicUsers" and "authUsers".

However, if the tables are from the same schema (e.g. public.user and public.users), we do not have a way to resolve the conflict, and need you to resolve the conflict by specifying overrides for this in snaplet.config.ts. For example:

/// <reference path=".snaplet/snaplet.d.ts" />
import { defineConfig } from 'snaplet';
export default defineConfig({
seed: {
alias: {
override: {
user: {
// e.g. seed.users(x => x(2))
name: 'users',
users: {
// e.g. seed.allUsers(x => x(2))
name: 'allUsers',

In this release, we detect if such conflicts exist when you run npx snaplet generate, and log a message to the console showing which table names conflict.

For more, check out our docs on alias overrides: (opens in a new tab)

1 Febuary 2024 - v0.86.0

Unique constraints support in seed 🌱

Seed is becoming more resilient! By leveraging your database's unique constraints, we are now able to greatly mitigate collisions that could happen when auto connecting models or when generating scalar values.

If you still encounter a unique constraint conflict, you will have a clear error giving you all the context you need to fix the issue. βœ…

It's technically a 🚨 breaking change 🚨 as it can influence the output of a given plan, but the plan wouldn't work in previous versions.

More resilient AI prediction job πŸ€–

We fixed issues around our workflow for predicting your data shapes using AI.

31 January 2024 - v0.85.2

Handle model name conflicts after inflection applied

As part of the inflection that @snaplet/seed does, we pluralise the table names. For example, a "User" table name would be exposed as seed.users().

This caused conflicts in cases where there was one table with the singular form, and one with the plural form. For example, public.user (note the singular form) and auth.users (not the plural form) would both get the name "users". As a result, the one table ends up getting "lost".

In this release, we now account for the name conflict by instead qualifying both names with the schema name. For the example above, we would end up with "publicUsers" and "authUsers".

We do not yet handle the case where the name conflict is in a single schema (e.g. public.user and public.users) - we plan to do this soon!

Fix support for reading fingerprint from snaplet.config.ts

We previously exposed types for providing fingerprint in snaplet.config.ts, but did not actually read this from the config in @snaplet/seed.

Account for aliasing when generating fingerprint

snaplet fingerprint did not account for inflection or model aliasing (which is now enabled default from 0.85.0 onwards).

note snaplet fingerprint is still an experimental feature - docs, improvements and much more coming soon!

Avoid showing preview database url on snaplet preview-database create

snaplet preview-database create now shares an example of a command to run to obtain the url of a preview database, rather than the url itself.

29 January 2024 - v0.85.0

🚨 Breaking changes ahead 🚨

We're refining the API and getting closer to a stable v1 release. πŸŽ‰

Model callback API

We are introducing a new way of definining models with functions, for example:

await seed.authors([(ctx) => {
const createdAt = new Date(copycat.dateString(ctx.seed))
const day = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
const updatedAt = new Date(createdAt.getTime() + day)
return {

For a complete list of the changes, check out the migration guide

Creating a client is now async

We've changed the way in which the client is instantiated:

import { createSeedClient } from '@snaplet/seed'
const seed = await createSeedClient({ /* options */ })

Better compatibility with non-empty databases

@snaplet/seed now works better with tables that already have existing data in them. For tables with sequences, if you have existing data in them when using @snaplet/seed, any new rows generated by @snaplet/seed will start off the sequences where the existing data left off.

Fix the seed value for parent fields

We were injecting the model's seed for all parent fields in a model. We're now injecting a per-parent field seed to have more variety in connected data.

Inflection is now turned on by default

You no longer need a snaplet.config.ts file to enable inflection. It's now turned on by default.

For more on what has changed and how to upgrade, check out the migration guide.

23 January 2024 - v0.84.0

🚨 @snaplet/copycat BREAKING CHANGE

We have upgraded to @snaplet/copycat v2.0.0. Inputs for copycat.float() will now map to a different output. It is still deterministic - the same input will always map to the same output. It is just that after the upgrade the corresponding output for each input will have changed.

Who will be affected? You might be impacted by this change if:

Why is it changing? Previously, output values for copycat.float() would stay close to the min value given. With this release, output values will distribute more evenly across the (min, max) range of values.

23 January 2024 - v0.83.2


Support Dates in @snaplet/seed

We now allow date values to be given to @snaplet/seed.

createdAt: () => new Date(23)

Bug Fixes

Filter out keys when generating fingerprint.json

We now filter out primary and foreign keys from the fields we inspect when creating a fingerprint of your database. For a bit more on what snaplet fingerprint is, check out the release notes for the initial alpha release of this feature: (opens in a new tab). Docs, improvements and much more coming soon!

19 January 2024 - v0.83.1

Bug Fixes

Addressed an issue with row estimates in partitioned tables. Previously, Snaplet incorrectly estimated total rows to copy as 0 for partitioned tables with data. This fix ensures accurate handling and data management for such tables, particularly when not using subsetting.

17 January 2024 - v0.83.0

Improvement: data parameter for generate function

We now provide a way to access data already generated for a particular model with the data parameter:

await snaplet.users([{
email: ({ data }) => `${data.first_name}${data.last_name}`.toLowerCase()

For more, check out our docs.

Improvement: store and $store parameters for generate and connect functions

For both generating fields, as well as connecting up relations, we now provide:

  • store: The store containing models already created in this plan
  • $store: The global store containing all models created in this snaplet instance so far.

// generate function
await snaplet.customers([{
email: ({ store, $store }) => /* ... */
// connect function
await snaplet.reservations([{
customer: ({ store, $store }) => /* ... */,

For more, check out our docs:

Improvement: Further future-proofing for usage with jest

0.82.1 solved some issues for using @snaplet/seed with jest, this release adds further such improvements to help prevent these same issues appearing in the future

🚨 BREAKING CHANGES in @snaplet/seed

We've removed the modelSeed parameter that we pass to generate functions in favor of the new data mentioned above.

Previously, if you had a field with a value that depended on another field, modelSeed provided a way to accomplish this:

// **before**
await snaplet.users([{
createdAt: ({ modelSeed }) => copycat.dateString(modelSeed),
updateAt: ({ modelSeed }) => {
const createdAt = copycat.dateString(modelSeed)
const updatedAtMs = Number(new Date(createdAt)) + 60_000
return new Date(updatedAtMs).toISOString()

Since we now have the data parameter, we have a more natural way of obtaining the value generated for previous values:

// **after**
await snaplet.users([{
createdAt: ({ seed }) => copycat.dateString(seed),
updateAt: ({ data }) => {
const updatedAtMs = Number(new Date(data.createdAt)) + 60_000
return new Date(updatedAtMs).toISOString()

16 January 2024 - v0.82.1

Changes and Improvements

  1. Improved Restore Functionality for Supabase Users

    • Fix: We've resolved an issue where automatic resets were not properly applied when restoring to Supabase users can now experience a smoother and more reliable restoration process.
  2. Enhanced CLI Transformations

    • Enhancement: Our CLI has been refined to provide better automatic transformations for fields such as AGE, RATING, and ROLE. This enhancement aims to streamline your data handling and improve overall workflow efficiency.
  3. Jest Environment Compatibility

    • Fix: The use of SnapletClient within the Jest testing environment has been fixed. This update ensures a more seamless integration and compatibility, enhancing your development and testing processes.

Stay tuned for more updates!

15 January 2024 - v0.82.0

🚨 BREAKING CHANGES in @snaplet/seed

We've made improvements to our AI model to improve some the data we generate to more closely match your production database.

This means that when running snaplet generate, the same field (column in a table) might now have a different default value generated for it compared to before snaplet generate was run.

After upgrading, subsequent runs of snaplet generate afterwards will not cause different values to be generated though - just the first snaplet generate after the upgrade.

In this context, a default value means a value that was not explicitly given to @snaplet/seed for a field (column in a table).

For example:

// name given explicitly
await snaplet.users({ name: 'Garnet Harley' })
// name not given explicitly
// => the generated value might have now changed
// (after the first `snaplet generate` after upgrading)
await snaplet.users({})

11 January 2024 - v0.81.0

This is a big one for @snaplet/seed! 🌱

🚨 Breaking Changes

1. Stateful data client

The SnapletClient is now stateful, meaning that it holds global seeds so you can execute multiple plans generating different data.

This now works:

await snaplet.users((x) => x(2));
await snaplet.users((x) => x(2));

You can clear the state of the client using the new snaplet.$reset function.

2. Global and local stores

Stores are now first class citizens!

Each plan executed returns the data it produced as a local store.

const usersStore = await snaplet.users((x) => x(2))
// { users: [user, user] }

A new global store is introduced as part of the client's state, accessible at snaplet.$store. This store contains all the data generated so far. You can reset its state as part of snaplet.$reset().

3. Fine-grained auto connections

We reworked the autoConnect feature. The option is renamed to simply connect and accepts either true or a store. When using true, it will connect the plan to what was already generated in the global store.


await snaplet.$pipe([
snaplet.organizations(x => x(2)),
snaplet.users(x => x(10), { autoConnect: true })


await snaplet.organizations(x => x(2));
// the 10 users will be automatically connected to one of the 2 previously generated organizations contained in snaplet.$store
snaplet.users(x => x(10), { connect: true });

You can also pass a store:

const externalStore = { users: [{ id: 42 }, { id: 5432 }]} };
await snaplet.posts(x => x(3), { connect: externalStore });

4. Operators pipe and merge are gone 🫑

Due to the changes above, the operators are now obsolete and gone. πŸ‘‹

Full migration docs: (opens in a new tab)

11 January 2024 - v0.80.0


Import @snaplet/copycat in seed.mts example

In the case of@snaplet/seed, npx snaplet setup now also adds @snaplet/copycat as a dependency to your project. The example seed.mts file we generate as part of npx snaplet setup now also includes an import to @snaplet/copycat. Since @snaplet/copycat is typically used as part of writing a seed script with @snaplet/seed, this change saves you needing to jump through these unnecessary hoops.


Handle invalid system-manifest.json files gracefully

We keep some internal state in a file called system-manifest.json. For different reasons, this file might be corrupt. This shouldn't prevent you from using Snaplet though, so we now recover from this case gracefully.

5 January 2024 - v0.78.3

Fix Missing semicolon error in snaplet setup and snaplet generate

For some databases, we had an issue preventing generating the assets needed by @snaplet/seed.

4 January 2024 - v0.78.1


What is changing? Inputs for copycat.float() will now map to a different output. It is still deterministic - the same input will always map to the same output. It is just that after the upgrade the corresponding output for each input will have changed.

When will the change happen? We are planning on releasing the change on 23 January 2024 at 12:00pm (noon) UTC

Who will be affected? You might be impacted by this change if:

Why is it changing? Previously, output values for copycat.float() would stay close to the min value given. With this release, output values will distribute more evenly across the (min, max) range of values.

How to prepare: To preview the impact of this change, you can modify your copycat import in your configuration. From: import { copycat } from '@snaplet/copycat' To: import { copycat } from '@snaplet/copycat/next'.

If you are using @snaplet/seed, you'll also need to first update your snaplet dependencies:

yarn up snaplet @snaplet/seed

Then use the --copycat-next flag when regenerating assets:

# to switch to `@snaplet/copycat/next`
npx snaplet generate --copycat-next
# to switch back to `@snaplet/copycat`
npx snaplet generate

Need More Time? If the scheduled update time doesn’t suit your schedule, please let us know. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and are here to assist with a smoother transition. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

4 January 2024 - v0.78.0

Alpha release of snaplet fingerprint

This release adds some of the basics for a feature we're working on called snaplet fingerprint.

A new command has been added:

snaplet fingerprint <database-url>

When run, snaplet fingerprint will inspect the database url given (typically this would be a production database url), collect some statistical details from a sample of data in your database, and store them in a .snaplet/fingerprint.json file. When running a seed script (e.g. npx tsx seed.mts), @snaplet/seed will try read from this file - if it exists, it will use it to generate data that is more closely matching the kind of data you have in your production database.

The data it generates is still entirely fake - it will just now be closer to how your production data looks. For example, if a date column, snaplet fingerprint would find the minimum and maximum values from a sample of the data, which in turn allows @snaplet/seed to generate data within this same date range.

note This still is an experimental feature - docs, improvements and much more coming soon!

4 January 2024 - v0.77.4

Allow using @snaplet/copycat/next with @snaplet/seed**

We preview upcoming breaking changes in copycat by exporting the latest change for the upcoming copycat release as @snaplet/copycat/next.

If you are using @snaplet/seed, you can now pass a --copycat-next flag when regenerating assets so that these generated assets use @snaplet/copycat/next:

# to switch to `@snaplet/copycat/next`
npx snaplet generate --copycat-next
# to switch back to `@snaplet/copycat`
npx snaplet generate

31 December 2023 - v0.77.3

Fix faker is not defined

When generating the assets required for @snaplet/seed (which we do as part of b oth snaplet setup and snaplet generate), we were accidentally referencing faker when generating the default value for fields that we detected as being having the shape of a URL or a MAC address.

We now replaced these cases with the copycat equivalent to avoid referencing faker.

14 December 2023 - v0.77.0

🚨 BREAKING CHANGES in @snaplet/seed

We've made improvements to some of the default values we generate for each field (column). We regenerate these defaults each time snaplet setup or snaplet generate is run.

This means that after upgrading, when running snaplet generate, the same field (column in a table) might now have a different default value generated for it compared to before snaplet generate was run. Subsequent runs of snaplet generate afterwards will not cause different values to be generated though - just the first snaplet generate after the upgrade.

In this context, a default value means a value that was not explicitly given to @snaplet/seed for a field (column in a table).

For example:

// name given explicitly
snaplet.users({ name: 'Garnet Harley' })
// name not given explicitly
// => the generated value might have now changed
// (after the first `snaplet generate` after upgrading)

πŸ› Bug fixes

process types in seed.mts At the moment, the seed.mts example generated by snaplet setup references process. If the projects does not have @types/node as a dependency, vscode will show that it does not know about any types for process. This releases fixes this by having @snaplet/seed now depends on and references @types/node for type definitions. This means that any new projects will get all the type definitions needed for the generated seed.mts example, even if they do not have @types/node as a dependency**.**

snaplet.$resetDatabase() now respects select in snaplet.config.ts

If you chose to exclude some schemas or tables in snaplet.config.ts with select, snaplet.$resetDatabase() will now exclude them, and truncate all the remaining tables of the remaining schemas in your database:

// snaplet.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'snaplet'
export default defineConfig({
select: {
public: {
$default: true,
_prisma_migrations: false

// seed.mts
import { SnapletClient } from '@snaplet/seed'
const snaplet = new SnapletClient()
// `_prisma_migrations` table will be left as-is and not be truncated
await snaplet.$resetDatabase()

Fix Unhandled error: column "<name>" does not exist

During snaplet setup or snaplet generate, we collect information from your database in order to generate the assets needed for @snaplet/seed. There was a bug in these flows that was sometimes causing us to look up the incorrect column name.

30 November 2023 - v0.76.0

🌟 New Features

Snaplet Generate becomes @snaplet/seed: You can now use the full power of Snaplet Seed everywhere in your codebase! Here is a sneak peek:

// seed.mts
import { SnapletClient } from "@snaplet/seed";
const snaplet = new SnapletClient();
await snaplet.users(x => x(3, () => ({
posts: (x) => x(10)

To know more about @snaplet/seed, read our quick start guide (opens in a new tab).

🚨 Breaking change in 'snaplet generate'

With the publishing of @snaplet/seed, there is no more function in the Snaplet configuration file.

The snaplet generate command is repurposed to generate the code needed to use @snaplet/seed.

You can follow this migration guide: (opens in a new tab)

Thank you for being a part of our journey! πŸ’š

7 November 2023 - v0.74.0

🚨 Breaking change: Preview databases

Preview Database Handling Overhaul. We've revamped how we handle preview databases. It's crucial that if you're using preview databases that you upgrade your Snaplet CLI to the latest version to ensure compatibility. Run snaplet upgrade to upgrade.

7 November 2023 - v0.73.1

πŸ› οΈ CLI improvements

This version introduces several fixes to enhance your command-line interface experience.

Restoration Behavior on Interruption: If you press Ctrl+C during a restoration prompt, it defaults to a 'no' response to continue the restoration process without interruption.

Integer Collision Generation: The generate command has been improved to produce a larger number of values with very low conflict probabilities.

Snapshot Support in PDB Creation: We've made it easier to identify early on if a snapshot won't restore successfully into a preview database by marking unsupported snapshots during PDB creation.

2 November 2023 - v0.73.0

🚨 Generate seeds breaking change

We've made a change to the way Snaplet generates seeds, which breaks previous data generations. We previously introduced a hash based on the plan's inputs to our seeding mechanism, but after user feedback, it's clear that it's not the right approach. The issue with this approach is that if you alter your plan, the modification will impact all the models involved in the plan. As such, we've decided to roll it back.

If you're interested in the specifics, read on.

Let's take this example:

await snaplet.users([
{ name: 'John' }, // user id will be 42
{ name: 'Jane' }, // user id will be 59
{ name: 'Bob' }, // user id will be 14

If you add an email to Bob, the user ids will change for all the users:

await snaplet.users([
{ name: 'John' }, // user id will be 98
{ name: 'Jane' }, // user id will be 35
{ name: 'Bob', email: '' }, // user id will be 74

This is because the seeds injected to each field generate functions which were constructed like this:

<hash of the plan inputs>/0/users/0/id

Now that we removed the hash, a field's value is entirely dependent on the model's location in the plan (basically its path):


So altering your plans will no longer impact the other models and fields ouputs.

It unfortunately means that your generated data output will change with this release.

🚨 Alias strategy is now opt-in

We recently introduced aliases to customize the data client.

At the time we shipped this feature, we also decided to apply a default alias strategy to the data client. Based on feedback we've decided to revert this change and make it opt-in instead so it's more predictable for you. This is also a breaking change.

To opt-in, you now need to set the inflection option to true:

generate: {
alias: {
inflection: true,

31 October 2023 - v0.72.0

πŸ› οΈ Copycat improvements

You can't scramble an omlette without breaking some eggs 🍳. We've made improvements to @snaplet/copycat (opens in a new tab) that introduce breaking changes with how Copycat "scrambles" data during transformation:

  • For the same input column value from your database, new snapshots will now be have different resulting values compared to what they used to be in previous snapshots.
  • Snaplet generate will generate values that are different to what they used to be.

What this means is that if your tests were expecting to see deterministic values from your Copycat changes, these tests may break, as Copycat generates new deterministic values for all transformations. As such, this new improvement gets a 🚨 breaking change 🚨 flag.

We've made this change in part to improvement the performace of Copycat, and so, the good news is if you've experienced slow snapshot captures in the past when capturing large column values, you may see an improvement in the time it now takes for your snapshots to capture.

Capturing snapshots or generating with Snaplet will still be deterministic though! The data will only change with the next snapshot you capture or the next time you generate data - after which point it will remain the same across as long as the inputs do not change.

If you rely on Snaplet generating data or transforming data that does not change if the inputs do not change, this release might affect you. More specifically, this change will affect you if you are:

  • Using "auto"-transform mode (if you have transform: { $mode: 'auto' } in your Snaplet configuration as shown in the Data Editor on
  • Using Copycat in your Snaplet configuration to generate data or transform data when capturing snapshots.
  • Using our generate feature.

October 30 2023 - v0.71.0

πŸ› Snapshot capture bug fix

We squashed a long-standing bug πŸ› which impacts the snapshot files format for users using older versions of the Snaplet CLI.

If you captured a snapshot with a version of Snaplet CLI prior to 0.71.0, you can either:

Capture a new snapshot, which will save it to the new fixed format (recommended):

npx snaplet@latest snapshot capture

Or run the restore command with the last version of Snaplet CLI before the fix:

npx snaplet@0.70.1 snapshot restore

As this is a 🚨 breaking change 🚨 we added a notice in the console when running snaplet snapshot restore pointing to this migration note (opens in a new tab).

If you're having trouble with this change, come ask us for help on Discord (opens in a new tab).

25 October 2023 - v0.70.0

🧹 Removing deprecated commands

Out with the old! In this release we wave goodbye to the following deprecated commands:

πŸ‘‹ snaplet snapshot subset

πŸ‘‹ snaplet subset command

πŸ‘‹ snaplet config setup

Note that the removal of the above commands is is a 🚨 breaking change.

🎁 New feature - JSDoc comments

We added JSDoc comments everywhere in the data client so it's easier to discover its API and understand the options and your database schema.

23 October 2023 - v0.69.0

🎁 New feature - Introducing aliases

We are super excited to introduce a new configuration option for Generate called alias, which allows you to take full control over how your models, fields and relationships are named. We shipped a sensible default implementation which should cover the majority of the use cases but if you need more customization, you can!

The default rules for the aliases:

  • Model names: pluralized and camelCased.
  • Scalar field names: camelCased.
  • Parent field names (one to one relationships): singularized and camelCased.
  • Child field names (one to many relationships): pluralized and camelCased.

Docs: (opens in a new tab)

Don't forget to update your types after you have updated the CLI by running:

snaplet config generate

πŸ› οΈ Aliases strategy applied by default

With the introduction of alias above, and we will apply a default strategy so the client's code looks better and is easier to reason about.

If you want to opt-out, you can by setting the new inflection option to false:

/// <reference path=".snaplet/snaplet.d.ts" />
import { defineConfig } from 'snaplet';
export default defineConfig({
generate: {
alias: {
inflection: false,
async run(snaplet) {
await snaplet.User((x) => x(3))

🧹 Removal of the object form shortcut for one-to-many relationships -

We've changed the signature for one-to-many relationship, we removed the object form when you only want to generate 1 element. It was confusing to be able to use both object and array.

// previously
// create a single user
// create a user with a post
Post: {}
// from 0.69.0 onwards
// create a single user
// create a user with a post
Post: [{}]

Note that this is a 🚨 breaking change and you'll need to use aliases going forward.

Questions? Come ask us for help on Discord (opens in a new tab).*

18 October 2023 - v0.68.0

🚨 Breaking Change: pipe and merge

We've changed the signature for the pipe and merge operators to take in an array of plans instead of using variadic arguments for plans:

// previously
snaplet.$pipe(snaplet.User({}), snaplet.Post({}))
snaplet.$merge(snaplet.User({}), snaplet.Post({}))
// from 0.68.1 onwards
snaplet.$pipe([snaplet.User({}), snaplet.Post({})])
snaplet.$merge([snaplet.User({}), snaplet.Post({}))

🎁 New Feature: options supported for pipe and merge operators

As you may expect, with this change, we now also support options to be provided for these operators in our Generate API.

snaplet.$merge([/* ... plans */], {
models: {
Post: {
data: {
// This title will be used for all plans
// being combined by this merge
title: 'A title for posts in the merged plans'

Options given to these operators will be passed down to the plans they are combining. If these plans provide their own options, they will take precedence over the corresponding pipe/merge options.

πŸ› Bug fixes - Generate

We were were not detecting identity columns correctly, and generate was not able to generate and insert rows for tables with identity columns. Snaplet generate is now able to correctly detect if it is dealing with an identity column, and uses OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE when outputting INSERT statements in order to work with these columns.

16 October 2023 - v0.67.0

🚨 Breaking Change: Better seeding values

For Snaplet generate we've modified the seed values generated to be more logically consistent and aligned with users' expectations.

By way of demonstration, before this release, the same id would be returned for these two users:

await snaplet.User({ email: '' })
await snaplet.User({ email: '' })

Doen't make much sense, right? This was because the seed value injected per column was only relying on your plan's paths (here the seed for the User's id would be 0/User/id).

We produce a hash based on the inputs you provide to snaplet.<modelName>(inputs) so the output will always depends on the inputs. It's the same behaviour as Snaplet Copycat (opens in a new tab), and we think it's more predictable and logical that way.

🎁 New Features: generate improvements

We've added the --output option to generate so you can safely write the SQL statement to a file without being bothered by eventual other messages logged to stdout (like our auto upgrade message). Read more (opens in a new tab).

We've also added more ways of handling tags attached to a snapshot to the CLI. Read more (opens in a new tab).

12 October 2023 - v0.66.0

βœ… Generate in Beta

A major milestone for our generate feature, which officially enters beta status!

With this release, we have totally reworked the generate API so it can be both more powerful and flexible. It goes from alpha to beta status, and we'd love to hear your feedback!

If you've been using generate you'll need to migrate to use the latest version. We have a migration guide here (opens in a new tab).

Just getting started? If you want to know more about how to generate data you can refer to our quick start guide (opens in a new tab) or our generate core concept (opens in a new tab) page where we dig deeper into generate and its options.

Happy generating!